Debut Business Workshop A Massive Success

Thank you to everyone who attended the debut business workshop hosted by 20-80 Solutions on the topic “Make Your Competitors Irrelevant Through Strategic Niching”. For those who came up with new ideas or gained a clearer understanding of their business niche and have the resource/ability to implement them themselves, please make sure you do (whether it be reflected on your website or be communicated to your entire team), otherwise the knowledge will be in vain. For those who are unable to implement the new ideas/strategy themselves or are struggling to come up with an unique niche, make sure you contact 20-80 Solutions for assistance.

The overall feedbacks have been very positive, with many suggesting more interaction among the participants, which we will take on board for future workshops. Below is a snapshot of the workshop survey:
Survey results of workshop

Winner for the Most Original/Creative Business Niche

Congratulations to Kirsty Hughes from Vet 2 Homes for winning the massage vouchers valued at $150 from True Thai Massage. By mobilising the veterinary service it means pet owners no longer need to travel to a physical clinic, saving travel and waiting time. More importantly, the pet will be calmer, as they are in their own environment, making it easier for treatments. Brilliant business model/niche Kirsty!

Next Workshop & Topic

As we are approaching the end of year, most people will most likely be busy with Christmas holidays and ramping down on business. Therefore the next workshop will be scheduled for late January or early February 2015 on the topic “Fatal Attraction of Your Target Market”. Stay tuned!


Due to the success of the first workshop, we have decided to do an encore session for those who missed the first one. Check out details at


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