How Your Friends and Family Can Ruin Your Practice

A poorly constructed website is quite dangerous for your business. It’s actually a liability more than asset. Think of your website as the first impression. Potential patients will come to your website to find out more about you and if they’re not impressed by their first impression, they often won’t come and see you.


When a patient sees you in person it’s usually their third point of contact. The first one is your website, the second one is with your receptionist on the phone and then it’s only the third point of contact that’s with you, the doctor. It’s important to make sure you have the first impression done properly i.e. your website and entire online presence.


We often have clients who, when they started their journey, wanted to save money. So they thought, a website – I can get my cousin John to do it. And yes, even though John might be a good web developer, often, if you get friends and family to do it, they’re not being paid and that means they will often put you as a low priority. We’ve had this experience multiple times where clients have approached us after trying to get their friends and family to do their websites for them and after a year and a half they just couldn’t get it launched. Also, because the website’s free, you will probably find that when you go back to them to make changes, your entitlement to do that can be quite diminished – because you didn’t pay them.


So our advice is that if you do hire your cousin John to help you build your website, make sure you pay him. That way you get prioritised in their list of things to do, otherwise you’ll constantly get delayed and your website will never actually go live.

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