Build Your Online Reputation Before You Start Your Practice

So one big tip that we can give you when you have the ambition to start your own practice is that you need to start building your online reputation before your new practice actually starts. So what I mean by that is, during the time that you’re working for someone, what you can do is create a Google My Business profile under your own name.

Ask your existing patients who actually enjoy your service, ask them to share their experience about you on your Google My Business profile. So that way, you can actually transfer all the good will you’ve built up as a single practitioner, into your new business without needing to start from scratch again.

So one of the things you don’t want to do is make sure you don’t create this negative vibe with your current boss, which is by telling your patients that you’re actually moving. Instead, if you already have your online profile, and people who actually Google your name, they’re able to find you without you needing to actually tell them to come with you.

And that way, it sort of bridges that awkward gap between whether you should tell your gap between whether you should tell your existing patients or not. So if you’re interested, fill in the form below, and we’ll get you started on building your own personal profile online, and start gathering that online reputation so that you can get your new practice started with a bang.

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