Your Website Will Never Be Complete

A lot of people think that a website is a something that you can set and forget, but it’s actually something that never gets finished. The analogy I often use is pregnancy. A lot of people focus on the birth itself and the nine month journey leading up to the birth. And once the website’s live they think, my job is done and I don’t need to do anything further. That’s far from the truth.


Every time you make a change of staff, every time you start offering a new service, or every time you change your opening hours, the website needs to evolve. That’s why we make it our job to support our clients on an ongoing basis, not just to collect the money when the website’s finished and disappear. We have to make sure that we continue to evolve with our clients and keep their websites updated and fresh.


An example of the need to stay updated, is the fact that Google Chrome often updates itself. Late last year they had a security update which meant that if your website doesn’t have HTTPS or SSL certificate – which is a security in the transmission of data between the server and the end user – Chrome (the most popular browser) will tell the user that your website is not secure.


That’s one of the main reasons why a website, once it’s launched, is not a finished product. It’s actually something you continuously need to improve.

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