So the other day we had our usual quarterly meeting with our client. Every quarter we catch up, just to talk about what issues they are currently experiencing and what option he actually sees. And this one was an interesting one because this particular client has been with us for well over a year and a half now. And everything was good but then we were trying to figure out oh, why is it that they’re not feeling that they got a lot of new patients, right.
So there were two issues we sort of figured out in this particular meeting and one of them is they actually got online booking which is a very good feature. But they didn’t get a lot of numbers for new patients from online. So we’re scratching our head and I was trying to figure out why this is the case while doing diagnosis we figured out and this is something that I want to share with everyone is that make sure when you have online booking that you do actually open up availability for people to book online.
We got all this, we track numbers to show that there’s actually a lot, hundreds of people clicking on the online booking button in the quarter that passed. And yet very little actually made booking. So we just pretend it’s with a patient or potential patient, went to the search for the practise, went to the website, click onto the online booking and surprise, surprise. We found that there was only one slot available and that’s three weeks in the future of one of the dentist. And that’s not a good thing because people are gonna come in, a new potential patient is gonna come in see that oh wow, this place is really full. And it just seems like there not gonna cater for me as a new patient. And it’s gonna bounce out and then find one of their competitors.
So it’s really, really important that you and your team review the online booking slots all the time. And then make sure you open up as much availability for the new patients that book themselves online as possible. And that way you will ensure that people who pay money either through Adwords or SEO to attract can actually have a proper call to action, which is make the booking. And they can actually become a patient of yours. Yeah, so make sure you check that with the team on a weekly basis at bare minimum.
I’ll make another video on the psychology of why you should open up as much of your availability as well. So stay tuned.