The team here at 20/80 Solutions, we did a quick brainstorming session. As everyone knows, Mother’s Day is coming up. It’s the second Sunday of May, and that actually takes us … Today is the 11th. About a month, a little bit more than a month to get something happening, and so that’s why we sat together and had a chat about what are some ideas for Mother’s Day. We came up with the idea that maybe target the sons, because as most people know, sons and husbands, the guys, they tend to leave Mother’s Day present to the last minute, and no longer can they give the silly little mug for their mother for their birthday, or for the Mother’s Day.


We thought, what if in dentistry or the bodywork, we come up with some kind of a package, and very much target the guys, right? Let’s just say the sons for now. What we came up with the idea is that … the campaign will be something, a very quick ten second, fifteen-second video, and then we have the slogan, “We can do better.” Then we come up with the promotion itself. The promotion will be some kind of a dental cosmetic package.


Our plan is to create a few variations of that campaign. We could also target the daughter, and potentially even have the daughter sort of buy the package for the mom, and then buy it for themselves as well so they can do to the dental practice themselves. Yeah, so our plan is to have some kind of an engaging video or image to trigger on social media and/or adverts. There’s like Facebook, Instagram … as a way to bring them in. What we’re going to do is create you guys a landing page. The landing page is basically the TNC for the promotion. Then talk about the different packages that the practice has to offer.


We have to make sure that this idea, the payment gets done upfront. We want to make it so that they get the gift card of some sort, something they can physically hand over to their mother. Then having that physical mail sent to the purchaser, so they can give to their mother before Mother’s Day. It’s very very important that we execute this very quickly.

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